Thompson Photography

I’m starting a blog. Below are some bird photographs taken out my back door during the winter. I enjoy all nature photography but especially action photography which shows birds or animals doing something or interacting. The birds fighting happens so quickly that you can’t even see what is happening with the naked eye so with the camera you have to anticipate something and hope. If you wait until the fight starts you are to late to capture it, they are up and down in less than a 1/10 of a second.

Birds in Action


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4 Responses to Thompson Photography

  1. Laura says:

    Congrats on a well done blog. It’s well thought out and very well done. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for your blog, including the pictures you will no doubt take and add from your alaska trip.
    Have a great adventure!

  2. Hi Bob, I Really liked your new photos of Sedona, really liked the acorns.

  3. Brent says:

    You must have a very good camera!

    • Robert Thompson says:

      Yes, a good camera. Just set the exposure properly, f-stop for depth of field, focus, compose, and push the button.

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